Bringing Controlled Substance Verification to Health Systems with PharmID's WasteWitness Platform

In the healthcare industry, managing controlled substances is a critical responsibility, ensuring patient safety and preventing diversion. Conventional methods for verifying controlled substance waste, such as sending samples to external laboratories or relying on labor-intensive refractometry, have been plagued by limitations. However, with the advent of PharmID's WasteWitness Platform, verifying controlled substances at the point of care is now a viable reality.

The Challenges of Traditional Waste Verification Methods

Traditional waste verification methods, such as refractometry and offsite testing, have faced several challenges that hinder their effectiveness:

  • Refractometry: While widely used, refractometry requires specialized technicians and can be inaccurate. It also necessitates a laboratory setting, limiting its accessibility at the point of care.

  • Offsite Testing: Sending waste samples to external laboratories can lead to lengthy turnaround times, delaying identification of potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, the expense of offsite testing often restricts its use to exceptional cases.

PharmID's WasteWitness Platform: A Paradigm Shift in Waste Verification

PharmID's WasteWitness Platform  revolutionizes controlled substance waste verification by introducing a portable, rapid, and accurate solution that can be seamlessly integrated into healthcare workflows. Its unique capabilities address the shortcomings of traditional methods:

  • Raman Spectroscopy: PharmID's WasteWitness utilizes Raman spectroscopy technology, providing high-precision identification of controlled substances in waste samples.

  • Real-time Data and Analytics: A comprehensive dashboard provides real-time waste data, enabling diversion analysts  to track waste patterns, identify potential vulnerabilities, and optimize waste practices.

  • AI-powered Algorithms: PharmID's WasteWitness employs advanced AI algorithms to continually enhance accuracy and adapt to new formulations, ensuring ongoing effectiveness.

  • Ease of Use: Designed for user-friendliness, PharmID's WasteWitness can be operated by healthcare providers with minimal training, even in demanding settings like operating rooms.

Transforming Waste Workflows and Data

PharmID's WasteWitness Platform represents a significant leap forward in controlled substance waste verification. It offers a multitude of benefits that will reshape waste management practices in healthcare:

  • Eliminates Diversion Vulnerabilities: On-site verification eliminates the risk of controlled substance diversion during transport to offsite testing facilities.

  • Enhances Compliance: Real-time waste data and analytics facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies.

  • Ensures Patient Safety: Verifying waste prior to administration safeguards patients from potential harm due to diverted or improperly handled controlled substances.

  • Improves Waste Practices: By providing valuable insights into waste patterns, PharmID's WasteWitness enables healthcare providers to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted interventions.

PharmID's WasteWitness marks a transformative era in controlled substance waste verification. Its unique capabilities and ease of use empower healthcare providers to take control of waste management at the point of care, enhancing patient safety, compliance, and overall waste practices. As the technology continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of controlled substance waste management in healthcare.


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