Why Refractometry Falls Short in Hospital Medication Verification
Hospitals are stepping up their game when it comes to medication safety, especially with growing concerns around drug tampering and diversion. In-house verification tools are becoming the go-to solution over outsourcing or relying solely on traditional surveillance. But not all verification methods are created equal. One commonly used tool—refractometry—has some major drawbacks when it comes to verifying controlled substances.
Ensuring Controlled Substance Waste Integrity: Key Components and High-Risk Area Applications
Controlled Substance Waste Integrity is vital in ensuring that the disposal of controlled substances is handled with precision, security, and adherence to regulatory standards. This process involves several key components that together maintain the integrity of waste management practices and safeguard public health.
From Monitoring to Trust: The Power of Verification in Controlled Substance Management
In hospitals, mismanagement of controlled substances can lead to costly legal issues, patient safety risks, and drug diversion. While basic monitoring helps, incorporating verification technology like WasteWitness® by PharmID significantly enhances these processes, builds trust, and reduces risks.
Why Surveillance and Documentation Fall Short: The Future of Controlled Substance Management
WasteWitness revolutionizes controlled substance management with molecular-level verification, real-time tracking, and automated waste documentation for enhanced accuracy, security, and compliance.